The Bruised Panther

My random thoughts on Christianity, politics and other things.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Does anyone smell schism?

I'm beginning to hope for a schism.
Or, better yet, a reassertion of Christianity.
The Roman Church is in serious trouble:
latin mass
no gays
no women
And to ptop it all off, the pope now is re-claiming that RCism is the only true religion.
But wait, there's more....
In a few short months there will be a new English translation of the liturgy.
In that translation, the phrase that currently says (to God, referring to Jesus) "in whom you have reconciled the world to yourself" will be rendered "in whom you have chosen to be appeased."
Try that on for size.
In Roman Catholic theology, God is now some Samoan volcano god who needs a sacrifice in order to be stopped from killing the whole island.
That's what the pope says, and if you're Roman Catholic, you had better believe it or get your ass out.
Now it's time to tell His Holiness to go to hell.
I am hoping that all of this will lead to a revolt--anyone want to join me?